Biogasanlage Beta

  • hey :D. i really love the biogasanlage, but when i try to feed it weth curseplay the frontloader stops 5 meters before the bunker.
    i tryed to do it weth a nother machine but sam happen, it stops 5 meters before the bunker, am i the only one there have this probleme ? hope some buddy can help mee.
    i play in holzhausen, but I've also tried to put it in another map, just to try to find the problme, the same result. plz help. :rolleyes:

  • Sorry for the late response, seems that no one knows the solution ... me too. - But as an excessive user of courseplay i know about those problems. It seems that some collision boxes use different bitmasks, therefore courseplay acts sometimes quiet weird. Sometimes a courseplay driver can drive really close to obstacles, sometimes they stop, next obstacles "far" away.

    So, this is not a real solution, but when i had such a CP course i implemented a [P] (Wait/Park/Stop) to prevent the honk driver to mess up with the enviroment ^^;)

    P.S.: ... and sometimes they just drive into obstacles :ugly:

  • @kristoffer9400:

    Which kind of BGA did you mean? On the Holzhausen15 Version 2.0.1 there is a normal BGA.

    Take a look at this Video i just made. That´s a standard NH Tractor, standard Frontloader and standard shovel.

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  • Crouwler 26. April 2020 um 02:14

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.