Fliegl DPW Pack 1.0 [Offizieller Support]

  • Hallo zusammen habe eine Frage:

    Wie kann ich die Dynamichose entfernen und alles was dazu gehört?
    Soll nur für mich sein da ich keine Fahrzeuge damit benutze und ich es persönlich nicht mag.

  • Es könnte schon reichen wenn du die entsprechenden Einträge aus der moddesc entfernst.

    Kann dann natürlich sein das die Schläuche dennoch rumhängen. Also müsste man die auch aus jeden mod emtfernen ohne die index-Reihenfolge zu beeinflussen.

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

  • So einfach denke ich doch nicht. Das weißt du doch :D

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

  • Hello,

    Is it known that the pallets that come with the Krone Ultima do not work with the autoload function?

    yep, but as far as I know that is due to the fact, they are no "real" pallets for tge game.

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    That's correct. Those wannabe pallets are in fact some sort of vehicle. The same is true for the Krone comprima. At least it just says "vehicle". Guess thatvwas the only way to be able to carry those nets around. Who knows.

  • Könnte ja evtl.genügen die im GE auf unsichtbar zu schalten? Muss man ja glaube ich nur nen Haken entfernen.

    Welche reihenfolge wäre das denn
    oder gibts vielleicht noch ne ander lösung
    weil das problem die hängen dann immer so rum bei fahrzeugen ohne dynamichoses

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Bamyentm (31. Mai 2018 um 20:14)

  • kannst du mir das bitte nochmal genau erklären.
    Kommt grad nicgt drauf was du genau meinst

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

  • kannst du mir das bitte nochmal genau erklären.
    Kommt grad nicgt drauf was du genau meinst

    Also wenn ich die Sachen an Fahrzeuge ohne Dynamichoses ankuppel hängen die Schläuche immer so rum
    Meine Frage: gibt es eine Anleitung das zu deaktivieren oder zu entfernen

  • finde in jeder i3d die Schläuche und setzte im tab "shape" einen Haken bei "not renderable"

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

  • zum genaueren Erklären komme ich aktuell nicht.
    Bin nur sporadisch mit Handy online....Papa sein und so :P

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

  • Mal sehen, ob ihr ggf. noch eine Idee zu einem Problem habt, was ich mir nicht erklären kann. Ich nutze die Version des Fliegl Packs auf der HBR Map
    Vielleicht hat es auch noch eine Bedeutung: Ich spiele mit der aktuellen "Steam" Version auf einem MAC.

    Die Probleme treten nur sporadisch auf und treten auch auf anderen Maps auf (z. Bsp. bei der Built-In Sosnovka) - dort allerdings noch seltener. Ich hatte schon mal einen Spielstand, wo ich dachte, dass es mir den Save komplett zerschossen hat - aber mittlerweile konnte ich das Problem auf das Fliegl DPW Pack eingrenzen.

    Da ich eigentlich nur noch die HBR spiele, habe ich dort weitere Tests gemacht. Die Probleme treten auch dann auf, wenn man ausser den zur HBR zugehörigen Mods keine weiteren lädt. Aufgefallen sind mir die Probleme bei Verwendung des "built-in" MAN Sattelschleppers in Verbindung mit dem langen Auflieger in UAL Version, Metall, Standardausführung mit Breitreifen und auch bei Verwendung des "built-in" Fendt 900 in Verbindung mit dem DPW 150 Tandem, ebenfalls UAL Version, Metall in der Standardausführung, d.h. ohne Bordwände etc.

    Folgender Fehler tritt "ab und zu" auf: Steigt man aus dem Fahrzeug aus und geht zu Fuß auf der Fahrerseite (entgegen Uhrzeigersinn von oben gesehen) um den Anhänger herum, dann kann es passieren, das man im Bereich der hinteren linken Ecke des Anhängers "hängen" bleibt und nicht mehr weiterlaufen kann. So als ob der Spieler sich von diesem Standpunkt nicht mehr wegbewegen kann. Nur noch umschauen (drehen) geht dann noch an dieser Stelle. Einzige Abhilfe, wenn das passiert ist, das Spielmenü mit ESC aufzurufen und darüber dann in ein beliebiges Fahrzeug einzusteigen. Ab dem Einsteigen ist man dann wieder "frei" und kann ohne Schwierigkeiten weiterspielen.

    Ganz selten passiert es sogar, dass das Spiel bei mir beim Umlaufen des Anhängers schon mit einem "Crash to Desktop" abgestürzt ist. Habe keinerlei Fehler in der Log und es sind auch keine Callstacks im Dev-Menü ersichtlich. Auch kann ich das Problem bisher nicht an einem bestimmten Status des zu diesem Zeitpunkt genutzten Anhängers festmachen, d.h. das Problem mit dem "hängen" bleiben ist bei mir schon aufgetreten mit aktivem UAL, deaktiviertem UAL (Objekte noch auf dem Anhänger) und auch nach dem Abladen.

    Wenn ich gerade daran denke, versuche ich das Umlaufen des Anhängers zu vermeiden und laufe stattdessen lieber im Uhrzeigersinn um den LKW / Traktor... Tritt wie gesagt aber auch nur sporadisch auf, sodass ich mir keinen Reim darauf machen kann. Irgendeine Idee?

  • Erstmal ein großes Lob für diese detaillierte Beschreibung. Sowas ist ja quasi nicht mehr vorhanden heutzutage.

    Zum Problem: da das Game sich ja teils verabschieded, dieser ominöse Punkt also nicht nur eine Kolli ist, an der man hängen bleibt, bin ich grad auch überfragt.
    Beim Komplettabsturtz vllt. nicht aber wenn nur das Spiel hängt, könnte doch was in der log stehen, oder?

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

  • Hallo Daniel,
    Danke für das Lob - gebe ich auch gern zurück, da Du offensichtlich meinen Eintrag komplett gelesen hast. :thumbup:
    Kommt davon, wenn man im IT-Service arbeitet, dann versucht man die Probleme so genau wie möglich zu beschreiben.

    Nachdem ich Deine Meldung gelesen habe, habe ich heute mal den Test gemacht und beide Fehler "produziert". Habe allerdings meine aktuelle "MOD-Sammlung", welche ich in Verbindung mit der HBR nutze, mal aktiv gelassen und keine "Minimalkonfiguration" für den Test angelegt.

    Also, hier nun die Vorgehensweise:
    1. log.txt gelöscht
    2. HBR Savegame gestartet
    3. gewartet, bis die Startscripts durchgelaufen sind (keine Rückmeldungen mehr vom Farming Tablet)
    4. Mit dem Fendt900 und dem DPW150 Tandem zum nördlichen Aussenlager (Freifläche) gefahren, ist noch leer, da ich bisher keine platzierbaren Objekte da verbaut habe.
    5. Ausgestiegen und gegen Uhrzeigersinn versucht, um das Fahrzeug zu laufen - erste Runde funktionierte, bei zweiter Laufrunde -> Absturz.
    6. log.txt in log-absturz.txt umbenannt.
    7. Punkte 2 und 3 wiederholt
    8. MAN Auflieger LKW an den Fliegl Aufflieger angekoppelt und wieder zum Aussenlager gefahren.
    9. Ausgestiegen und gegen Uhrzeigersinn versucht, um das Fahrzeug zu laufen - erste Runde funktionierte, bei der zweiten bin ich ungefähr in Mitte des Aufliegers dagegengelaufen, und kam dadurch etwas "erhöht" weiter hinten an, als ob ich eine kleine Treppe mit einer Stufe hochgelaufen wäre.
    10. Hing nun auf Höhe des mittleren Rades fest. Konnte mich noch drehen und habe dabei 3 Screenshots gemacht.
    11. Mit ESC ins Menü gegangen, den LKW ausgewählt und wieder eingestiegen. Noch einen Screenshot gemacht.
    12. Spiel "normal" beendet.
    13. log.txt in log-klammer.txt umbenannt.

    P.S. Hätte nach dem Einsteigen normalerweise einfach wieder aussteigen und mich bewegen, oder auch weiterfahren können - so war das zumindest bisher möglich.

    Anbei die Screenshots und beide Log Dateien. Ich finde leider nichts aussergewöhnliches.

  • ahh ein Kollege ^^

    Nochmals danke für den erneuten Test.
    Bin die logs nur am handy überflogen aber sah erstmal ok aus.

    Das Hängenbleiben inkl. erhöhtem Stehen, wird wahrscheinlich eine nicht vernünftig deaktivierte Kollision liegen.
    Kann und werde ich mir mal (mit F5) angucken.

    Evtl. ist ja auch dort genau das Problem.

    Bin dennoch weiterhin ein wenig ratlos.

    ...official coffee-to-xml converter...

    ...complaining about other people's log-files since FS13...

    specialized in: textures, ingaming, animations, tutorials and things nobody ever thought about

  • Danke schon mal im Voraus für die Mühe! Vielleicht reagiert die Steam/MAC Version da empfindlicher als die PC Version, denn auch nach mehrmaligem Durchlesen des kompletten Threads hab ich noch keinen Beitrag von anderen gelesen, der ähnlich war...

    Nur noch eine Idee. Am häufigsten nutze ich den Auflieger...vielleicht habe ich auch dadurch bei dessen Verwendung das Hängenbleiben öfters erlebt, als den Absturz und das Problem Hängenbleiben vs. Absturz ist spezifisch auf den jeweils genutzten Anhänger bezogen. Kann ich aber nicht mit Sicherheit sagen.

    Wenn ich noch irgendwas testen / reproduzieren soll, lass es mich wissen. Leider habe ich kaum Ahnung vom Modding, um eine erweiterte Analyse selbständig durchzuführen.

  • Hallo Da hoffi,

    Wir habe zur zeit dieser LUA fehler in unsere dedi server

    Spoiler anzeigen

    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/flieglDPW180.i3d (41.53) ms
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (11) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (65) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (20) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (123) : loadObjectChangeFromXML
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (218) : updateObjectChanges
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (50) : applyCustomDesing
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (631)
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1858) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1674) : load
    dataS/scripts/network/Client.lua (389) : readStream
    dataS/scripts/network/ConnectionManager.lua (28) : func
    Index: 0>3|12
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (11) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (65) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (20) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (123) : loadObjectChangeFromXML
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (218) : updateObjectChanges
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (50) : applyCustomDesing
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (631)
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1858) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1674) : load
    dataS/scripts/network/Client.lua (389) : readStream
    dataS/scripts/network/ConnectionManager.lua (28) : func
    Index: 0>3|13

    und wissen nicht was es jetzt seit kann.

    Hier auch unsere komplette log

    Spoiler anzeigen

    GIANTS Engine Runtime 7.0.0 (15681) 64bit (Build Date: Dec 7 2017)
    Copyright (c) 2008-2017, GIANTS Software GmbH (giants-software.com), All Rights Reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2003-2017, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
    Application: FarmingSimulator2017
    Main System
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
    Memory: 16282 MB
    OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
    Physics System
    Version: 5.9.5
    Thread(s): 2
    Input System
    Keyboard enabled
    Mouse enabled
    Gamepad/Joystick enabled
    Force Feedback disabled
    Name: Saitek Side Panel Control Deck
    Name: Razer Tartarus V2
    Name: Steering Wheel Controller
    Audio System
    Driver: OpenAL
    Version: 1.1
    Device: Generic Software
    Render System
    Driver: Direct 3D 11
    Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
    Version: (1.6.2018)
    Revision: 162
    Feature level: DirectX 11 ON
    Info: Effective window resolution 1920 x 1080
    Started 4 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
    Hardware Profile
    Level: High (forced)
    View Distance Factor: 1.100000
    Shadow Quality: 1.000000 Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 16
    Shader Quality: 2
    Skip Mipmaps: 0
    LOD Distance Factor: 1.100000
    Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.500000
    Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
    Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
    Max dynamic foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
    Foliage Density: 0.500000
    Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.850000
    Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
    Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 3
    Max. Number of Lights: 512
    Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
    MSAA: 2
    Farming Simulator 17
    Version: b1841
    Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr
    Language: nl
    Time: 2018-07-09 12:37:56
    Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'frontloader'
    Register configuration 'motor'
    Register configuration 'baseColor'
    Register configuration 'wheel'
    Register configuration 'rimColor'
    Register configuration 'design'
    Register configuration 'designColor'
    Register configuration 'vehicleType'
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Load dlc: pdlc_platinumEdition (Version:
    Load mod: buyable_silo (Version: 1.3)
    Load mod: Claas_Cargos_700_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: disableVehicleCameraCollision (Version:
    Load mod: FBM17_deutzFahrSerie7StageIVPuma (Version:
    Load mod: FBM17_honeyBeeSP30DAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_MaxWildPack (Version:
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandCR1090DATMR (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandHeader980CF12DAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandHeader980CF6DAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandSuperFlex45FTDAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_VogelNoot_1050Vario_XSPro_plus (Version:
    Load mod: FlieglDPW_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17Contest_Fendt_1000_SERIES (Version:
    Load mod: FS17FendtFavorit800V3Final (Version: 3.0)
    Load mod: FS17_allowFillTriggerForTrailer (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_AnimatedObjectDoorFix (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_animatedPTO (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ArtMechanic_PT25 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Assaloni_Tecna30 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BaleStorage_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Biobeltz_SB_300 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BoardStorage_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BucherPlatformPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Case_Optum_CVX (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_cattleDroverTrailer (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_choppedStrawV22 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ClaasXerion5000V6NeueFinale (Version: 6.0)
    Load mod: FS17_CLAAS_Axion_900 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Claas_Axion_950 (Version: 2.1.0 pl 1)
    Load mod: FS17_Courseplay (Version: 5.03.00005)
    Load mod: FS17_CSZ_set (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_CS_DirectSeedingAddon (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_FollowMe (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_Glance (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_VehicleGroupsSwitcher (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DeutzTTV7Series (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Deutz_Fahr_9_Series (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FarmingTablet (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FarmingTabletAPP_FactoryExtension (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FS17_FarmingTabletAPP_FarmSiloSystem (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FS17_FarmtechTrailerPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_fendtGT255 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fendt_by_Hitcher (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_flieglRearDeck (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fliegl_DPW80 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FordTransit (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule01_CropDestruction (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_GameExtension (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Guellepack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_handbrake (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_itRunnerPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_johnDeere6810 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_joskinBetimaxRDS7500 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_kotteUniversalPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_KramerKL308T (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_lindnerBF450_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_LS540 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_M82_Kartoffelroder (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_M82_Special_Tipper (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_manureSpreaderPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_mCompanyGraphics (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_metalTechPP20_Autoload (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_MobileMilkingStand (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_moreTrees (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_newHollandT8Fordson (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_oldTankTrailer (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Pallet_fork_UAL (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Placeable_concrete_silo (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_poettingerUniversalAutoLoader (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_real_clock (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_RM_Seasons (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_SameFortisForestry (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_SaphirPlowStar (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ShowMeTheMoney (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_slurrySpreaderPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_TAM_ShiftableWeight (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_TowBar (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_universalShippingTray (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_WoolStorage_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_zunhammer18500PE_Universal (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_zunhammerOverloadStation (Version:
    Load mod: FSM_BednarProSeedV13 (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FSM_HogTooth (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FSM_ScorpionKing (Version:
    Load mod: Hopfach_v92 (Version: 9.9.8)
    Load mod: HoT_Balespike (Version:
    Load mod: HoT_Palletfork (Version:
    Load mod: HoT_Seedfertilizer_mC_placeable (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: LelyJuno100 (Version: 2.5.2)
    Load mod: poettingerNovaCat_Pack (Version: 0.1 BETA)
    Load mod: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small (Version:
    Load mod: ZZZ_BGAextension (Version: 4.00)
    Load mod: ZZZ_driveControl (Version: 4.03)
    Load mod: ZZZ_GPS (Version: 5.01)
    Register configuration 'headlights'
    Register configuration 'interior'
    Register vehicle type: FBM17_deutzFahrSerie7StageIVPuma.deutzFahrS7_Puma
    Register vehicle type: FBM17_honeyBeeSP30DAT.cutter_builtInCutterTrailer2
    aHelmerHKL by NLD Farmers - Home - NLD Farmers
    Register vehicle type: FBM17_MaxWildPack.MAN_iT_MW
    Register vehicle type: FBM17_newHollandCR1090DATMR.newHollandCR1090DAT
    Register vehicle type: FBM17_VogelNoot_1050Vario_XSPro_plus.ploughdynamic
    Register configuration 'cabColor'
    Register configuration 'Aufbau'
    Register configuration 'Abstreifkante'
    Register configuration 'Material'
    Register configuration 'Mudguard'
    Register configuration 'UFS'
    Register configuration 'UFScolor'
    Register configuration 'light'
    Register configuration 'cubeColor'
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPack
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackUALHBR
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackWAL
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackWALlong
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPack2
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANNormal
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANUALHBR
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANWAL
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraNormal
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraUALHBR
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraWAL
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackHKL
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackHKLUALHBR
    Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackHKLWAL
    \__ AnimatedObjectDoorFix V by Blacksheep(RC-Devil) from 02 Nov 2017 is loading! Support over Forum: httpd://http://www.mods-community.de
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Biobeltz_SB_300.NewSnowblower
    Register configuration 'cab'
    Register vehicle type: FS17_BucherPlatformPack.bucherPlatform
    Register vehicle type: FS17_BucherPlatformPack.bucherTank
    Register vehicle type: FS17_BucherPlatformPack.bucherPlatformTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_BucherPlatformPack.bucherTankTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Case_Optum_CVX.CaseOptum
    Register vehicle type: FS17_cattleDroverTrailer.cattleDroverTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CLAAS_Axion_900.claas
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Axion_950.ClaasAxion
    ### Courseplay: initialized 51/51 files (v5.03.00005)
    ******************************************* WARNING *******************************************
    * You are using a development version of Courseplay, which may and will contain errors, bugs, *
    * mistakes and unfinished code. Chances are your computer will explode when using it. Twice. *
    * If you have no idea what "beta", "alpha", or "developer" means and entails, remove this *
    * version of Courseplay immediately. The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for *
    * crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed. *
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledSprayer"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor"
    adding Courseplay to "car_dynamicMountAttacher"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_animated"
    adding Courseplay to "loaderVehicle"
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMower"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_CLAAS_Axion_900.claas"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Case_Optum_CVX.CaseOptum"
    adding Courseplay to "loadingTrailerDrivable"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_BucherPlatformPack.bucherTank"
    adding Courseplay to "wheelLoader"
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledPotatoHarvester"
    adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerDrivable"
    adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMixerWagon"
    adding Courseplay to "woodHarvester"
    adding Courseplay to "skidSteer"
    adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraWAL"
    adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraUALHBR"
    adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraNormal"
    adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANWAL"
    adding Courseplay to "telehandler_articulatedAxis"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_crawler"
    adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANUALHBR"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_articulatedAxis"
    adding Courseplay to "car"
    adding Courseplay to "FBM17_MaxWildPack.MAN_iT_MW"
    adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANNormal"
    adding Courseplay to "ridingMower"
    adding Courseplay to "woodCrusherTrailerDrivable"
    adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerHireable"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_crawler"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Claas_Axion_950.ClaasAxion"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_articulatedAxis"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_foldable"
    adding Courseplay to "FBM17_deutzFahrSerie7StageIVPuma.deutzFahrS7_Puma"
    adding Courseplay to "combine"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_BucherPlatformPack.bucherPlatform"
    adding Courseplay to "FBM17_newHollandCR1090DATMR.newHollandCR1090DAT"
    adding Courseplay to "telehandler"
    adding Courseplay to "forwarder"
    adding Courseplay to "combine_cylindered"
    adding Courseplay to "tractor_reverseDriving"
    ### Courseplay: installed into 42 vehicles
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.adattatoreCSZ
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaRotoballe
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPunteReclinabili
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaExtraElevazione
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaMordente
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaFasciati
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPallet
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletExtra
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletTrattenitore
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchi
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchiExtra
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaLetame
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPolivalente
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaGriglia
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaBietole
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL3000
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL4000
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaScaricoCentrale
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaTrattenitore
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaDesilatrice
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.lamaDozer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.gancioSollevamento
    Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bilancinoSollevamento
    Script loaded: FollowMe.lua (v1.2.2.44)
    Script loaded: Glance.lua (v1.0.3.40)
    Script loaded: VehicleGroupsSwitcher.lua (v1.0.2.25)
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Deutz_Fahr_9_Series.deutzFahrSeries9
    [FarmingTablet] load
    [FarmingTablet - Button] load 1.1.0
    [FarmingTablet - Appstore] load 1.0.0
    [FarmingTablet - Trigger] load 1.0.0
    [FarmingTablet - FactoryExtension] load 1.2.0
    [FarmingTablet - FarmSiloSystem] load 1.2.0
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS.Fendt820
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Fendt_by_Hitcher.Fendt1000vario
    Register vehicle type: FS17_fendtGT255.fendtGT255
    Register vehicle type: FS17_fendtGT255.fendtGT255P
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.MANTGS_AT
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.livestockTrailerExt
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Fliegl_DPW80.flieglTransporterStandard
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Fliegl_DPW80.flieglTransporterSpecial
    Register vehicle type: FS17_flieglRearDeck.rearDeck
    Register vehicle type: FS17_FordTransit.car_liveStockTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload.loadingTrailerDrivableSpecial
    Register configuration 'Saugarm'
    Register configuration 'Teleskopachse'
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.veenhuisHosesCP
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.veenhuisHoses
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.manureBarrel_22500PE_CP
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.manureBarrel_22500PE_ZubringerCP
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.manureBarrel_22500PE
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.manureBarrel_22500PE_Zubringer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.implementsNewSprayerHoses
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.cultivatorHoses
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.vogelsangswingup30
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.SchleppschlauchHoses
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.Schleppschlauch
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.fieldContainer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.manureBarrelZunhammerTV
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.KotteZubringer1CP
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.KotteZubringer2CP
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.KotteZubringer1
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.KotteZubringer2
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.dolly
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.manureBarrelCultivator2
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.dockingStation
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.dockingStationHoses
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.FrontDock
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Guellepack.hookLiftContainerManureBarrel2
    ++ loading Handbrake V - 04.03.2018 (by Blacky_BPG)
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.trackedSpreader
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.augerWagonCrawler
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.seedTender
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.dragHose
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.manureBarrelCrawler
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.manureBarrelnjector
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.horschShuttle
    Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.horschCruiser
    Register vehicle type: FS17_joskinBetimaxRDS7500.animalsLoadedTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteMilkBarrel
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteMilkBarrelOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_mst
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_mstOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniFuel
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_hookLift
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_hookLiftOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalTank
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.flieglUniversalDolly
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalShuttle
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalShuttleOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalShuttleFuel
    Register vehicle type: FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack.MF_Belts
    Register vehicle type: FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack.baleGrab2
    Register vehicle type: FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack.treeSaw22
    Register vehicle type: FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack.stumpCutter2
    Register vehicle type: FS17_LS540.animalsLoadedTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_M82_Kartoffelroder.roder
    Register vehicle type: FS17_M82_Special_Tipper.m82trailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_metalTechPP20_Autoload.augerWagonAutoload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_newHollandT8Fordson.FordsonT8
    Register vehicle type: FS17_oldTankTrailer.oldTankTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_oldTankTrailer.oldPlatformTrailer
    Register vehicle type: FS17_Pallet_fork_UAL.UALImplement
    Register vehicle type: FS17_poettingerUniversalAutoLoader.universalLoader
    Register vehicle type: FS17_SameFortisForestry.sameFortis
    Register vehicle type: FS17_SaphirPlowStar.SaphirPlowstar
    Script loaded: ShowMeTheMoney.lua (v2.0.0.0)
    Register vehicle type: FS17_slurrySpreaderPack.manureBarrelExtended
    Register vehicle type: FS17_TAM_ShiftableWeight.tamWeight_shiftable
    Register configuration 'length'
    Register vehicle type: FS17_TowBar.puller
    Register vehicle type: FS17_universalShippingTray.universalShippingTray
    Register vehicle type: FS17_zunhammer18500PE_Universal.zunhammerUniversal
    Register vehicle type: FS17_zunhammer18500PE_Universal.zunhammerUniversalOverload
    Register vehicle type: FS17_zunhammerOverloadStation.zunhammerOverloadStation
    Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_Fendt_1000_SERIES.fendt1000
    Register vehicle type: FSM_ScorpionKing.fsmscorpionKing
    AdditionalMapTypes v1.0.0.9 Final: \__ AdditionalMapTypes V1.0.0.9 Final by Blacksheep - RC-Devil from 25 April 2017 is loading
    AdditionalMapTypes v1.0.0.9 Final: \__ AdditionalMapTypes V1.0.0.9 Final by Blacksheep - RC-Devil from 25 April 2017 was loaded successful
    ++ loading Digital Storage Amount Mover V - 03.01.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
    ++ loading GasStation Extended V A - 03.03.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
    ++ loading GasStation Extended - variable fuel price V - 12.01.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
    ++ loading ManualBarrier V - 17.12.2016 (by Blacky_BPG)
    Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107a by Marhu loaded! Support on Marhu.net - HOME
    ++ loading SpeedDisplay V - 23.12.2016 (by Blacky_BPG)
    ++ loading BuyOnSiloTriggers V - 30.03.2018 (by Blacky_BPG)
    ++ loading Scale Statistic Specialization V - 16.11.2016 (by Blacky_BPG)
    ++ loading Scale Station with statistics V - 10.02.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
    \__ Register fillType: 'Lime' (kalk) [key 156]
    \____ Add fillType: 'Lime' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \____ Add fillType: 'Lime' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_AUGERWAGON' [key 15]
    \___ Register sprayType: 'Lime'
    \____ Add sprayType: 'Lime' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_SPREADER' [key 11]
    \____ Add sprayType: 'Lime' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_MANURESPREADER' [key 10]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'Lime'
    \__ Register fillType: 'snow' (snow) [key 157]
    \____ Add fillType: 'snow' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \____ Add fillType: 'snow' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_AUGERWAGON' [key 15]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'snow'
    \__ Register fillType: 'Compost' (compost) [key 158]
    \____ Add fillType: 'Compost' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \____ Add fillType: 'Compost' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_AUGERWAGON' [key 15]
    \___ Register sprayType: 'Compost'
    \____ Add sprayType: 'Compost' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_SPREADER' [key 11]
    \____ Add sprayType: 'Compost' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_MANURESPREADER' [key 10]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'Compost'
    \__ Register fillType: 'dirty lime' (unreinerkalk) [key 159]
    \____ Add fillType: 'dirty lime' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \____ Add fillType: 'dirty lime' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_AUGERWAGON' [key 15]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'dirty lime'
    \__ Register fillType: 'straw pellets' (strawPellets) [key 160]
    \____ Add fillType: 'straw pellets' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \____ Add fillType: 'straw pellets' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_AUGERWAGON' [key 15]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'straw pellets'
    \__ Register fillType: 'hay pellets' (hayPellets) [key 161]
    \____ Add fillType: 'hay pellets' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \____ Add fillType: 'hay pellets' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_AUGERWAGON' [key 15]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'hay pellets'
    \__ Register fillType: 'tailings' (abraum) [key 162]
    \____ Add fillType: 'tailings' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_BULK' [key 1]
    \____ Add fillType: 'tailings' to category: 'FILLTYPE_CATEGORY_AUGERWAGON' [key 15]
    \_____ Register heap for: 'tailings'
    Script advancedHints v1.0.0-65 by Marhu loaded! Support on Marhu.net - HOME
    Register vehicle type: HoT_Balespike.UALImplement
    Register vehicle type: HoT_Palletfork.UALImplement
    Register vehicle type: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.augerWagon_foldable
    Register vehicle type: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.tractor_crabSteering
    Register vehicle type: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.TerraDosT440S
    --- installing driveControl by upsidedown into Drivable and Steerable...
    dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.10) ms
    dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.17) ms
    dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.09) ms
    [Seasons] Loading Seasons - e68ac2160f729519a129cc24f24ac24c
    data/sky/skyUS_day_night.i3d (286.72) ms
    data/sky/rain.i3d (59.42) ms
    data/sky/hail.i3d (18.32) ms
    data/sky/dust.i3d (16.99) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_Seasons/resources/environment/snow.i3d (1.70) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/map01.i3d (50705.82) ms
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(115984) load FarmSiloSystem_01
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(120783) load FarmSiloSystem_02
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(121360) load FarmSiloSystem_03
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(121556) load FarmSiloSystem_04
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(121760) load FarmSiloSystem_05
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(121964) load FarmSiloSystem_06
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(122205) load FarmSiloSystem_07
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(123339) load FarmSiloSystem_08
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(124974) load FarmSiloSystem_09
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(125498) load FarmSiloSystem_10
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(126258) load FarmSiloSystem_11
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(126778) load FarmSiloSystem_12
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(127654) load FarmSiloSystem_13
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(128468) load FarmSiloSystem_14
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(129009) load FarmSiloSystem_15
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(129869) load FarmSiloSystem_16
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(130805) load FarmSiloSystem_17
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(131397) load FarmSiloSystem_18
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(132144) load FarmSiloSystem_19
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(132685) load FarmSiloSystem_20
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(133459) load FarmSiloSystem_21
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(133843) load FarmSiloSystem_22
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(134770) load FarmSiloSystem_23
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(135178) load FarmSiloSystem_27
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(135940) load FarmSiloSystem_28
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(136095) load FarmSiloSystem_29
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(136812) load FarmSiloSystem_30
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(137283) load FarmSiloSystem_31
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(137974) load FarmSiloSystem_32
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(138739) load FarmSiloSystem_33
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(139152) load FarmSiloSystem_34
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(140003) load FarmSiloSystem_35
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(140412) load FarmSiloSystem_36
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(141191) load FarmSiloSystem_37
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(141722) load FarmSiloSystem_38
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(142616) load FarmSiloSystem_39
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(143076) load FarmSiloSystem_40
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(195969) load FarmSiloSystem_25
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(196645) load FarmSiloSystem_26
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(216114) load FarmSiloSystem_24
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(287723) load FarmSiloSystem_97
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(287853) load FarmSiloSystem_96
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(298616) load FarmSiloSystem_99
    FarmSiloSystem v1.0.1: FarmSiloSystem.onCreate(298734) load FarmSiloSystem_98
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BucherPlatformPack/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (319.26) ms
    MaterialHolder for Bucher Plattform Pack loaded successfull!
    MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | register specialization
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | specialization added to 7 vehicle types
    ## Courseplay: setting up signs
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/normal.i3d (0.37) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/cross.i3d (0.60) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/unload.i3d (0.55) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/wait.i3d (0.83) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/start.i3d (0.81) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Courseplay/img/signs/stop.i3d (0.72) ms
    ## Courseplay: setting up fields (basic)
    ## Courseplay: setting up hud
    ## Courseplay: setting up debug channels
    ## Courseplay: setting up globalInfoText
    ## Courseplay: register later loaded mods
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_fendtGT255.fendtGT255"
    adding Courseplay to "FSM_ScorpionKing.fsmscorpionKing"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Deutz_Fahr_9_Series.deutzFahrSeries9"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_newHollandT8Fordson.FordsonT8"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_SameFortisForestry.sameFortis"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.MANTGS_AT"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload.loadingTrailerDrivableSpecial"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_FordTransit.car_liveStockTrailer"
    adding Courseplay to "Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.tractor_crabSteering"
    adding Courseplay to "Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small.TerraDosT440S"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_fendtGT255.fendtGT255P"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Fendt_by_Hitcher.Fendt1000vario"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS.Fendt820"
    adding Courseplay to "FS17Contest_Fendt_1000_SERIES.fendt1000"
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | Direct Seeding Addon v1.1.0.0 | ChoppedStraw mod found, addon loaded
    ## Glance: (Re)Loaded settings from: C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/modsSettings/Glance_Config.XML
    GameExtension (v0.4.2.1) - NOTICE: Module FIX_FRUIT_GROWTH_DURING_MISSION are being deactivated by the mod FS17_GameExtension. Module aren't allowed to be used in an multiplayer game.
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (42.74) ms
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'silageAdditive' for MaterialUtil.onCreateMaterial
    MaterialHolder for Kotte Universal loaded successfull!
    MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_oldTankTrailer/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (17.84) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_oldTankTrailer/materials/tensionBelt.i3d (7.32) ms
    MaterialHolder for OldTankTrailer loaded successfull!
    MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
    RealClock - INFO: RealClock loading
    RealClock - INFO: Read from xml C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods//realClock.xml
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_zunhammer18500PE_Universal/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (15.40) ms
    MaterialHolder for Zunhammer Universal loaded successfull!
    MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_zunhammerOverloadStation/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (15.11) ms
    MaterialHolder for Zunhammer OverloadStation loaded successfull!
    MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
    --- loading ManualBarrier mod V5.15.4 (by Blacky_BPG)---
    --- loading complexBGA mod V4.00 --- (by upsidedown)
    --- loading driveControl mod V4.03 (by upsidedown)---
    --- loading GPS mod V5.01 --- (by upsidedown)
    [Seasons] ssGrowthManagerData: Additional growth data found - loading: C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/seasons_growth.xml
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_Seasons/resources/environment/snow_materialHolder.i3d (145.31) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_Seasons/resources/replacementTextures/materialHolder.i3d (939.06) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/resources/replacementTexturesMaterialHolder.i3d (963.88) ms
    Enabled withering
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | loading straw types
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | fertilizing fruittypes: triticale barley wheat rape sunflower spelt maize oat millet rye soybean
    *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | loaded 4 straw types
    ### CourseplayMultiplayer: reading 14 couses
    ### CourseplayMultiplayer: reading 8 folders
    ### CourseplayMultiplayer: reading 0 custom fields
    ### CourseplayMultiplayer: courses/folders reading end
    Joined network game (148)
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_TAM_ShiftableWeight/tam_gewicht.i3d (19.89) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Claas_Cargos_700_Pack/ClaasCargos750.i3d (466.55) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ60.i3d (157.81) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/HoT_Balespike/stollToolBaleFork.i3d (96.98) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_newHollandCR1090DATMR/newHollandCR1090DAT.i3d (685.80) ms
    0ms FollowMe.LUA WARNING: Not all action-keys(1) use the same modifier-key!
    0ms FollowMe.LUA WARNING: Not all action-keys(2) use the same modifier-key!
    loading C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017//driveControl_config.xml for driveControl-Mod configuration
    driveControl module shuttle started
    driveControl module fourWDandDifferentials started
    driveControl module cruiseControl not started
    driveControl module showNearestFillLevel not started
    driveControl module pipeCam started
    driveControl module implementControl started
    driveControl module softGas not started
    GPS mod inserted into Drivable Specialization (should happen only once!)
    GPS mod inserted into Vehicle Camera (should happen only once!)
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_newHollandSuperFlex45FTDAT/newHollandSuperFlexDAT.i3d (121.24) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_newHollandHeader980CF12DAT/newHollandHeader980CF12DAT.i3d (108.47) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandFR850.i3d (694.82) ms
    data/vehicles/cutters/kemper/kemper390Plus.i3d (282.25) ms
    data/vehicles/trailers/strautmann/strautmannTeraVitesse5201.i3d (292.72) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles/vehicles/tools/horschRauch10000.i3d (418.17) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_VogelNoot_1050Vario_XSPro_plus/vogelNootPlusXSProSide.i3d (126.93) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/poettingerNovaCat_Pack/poettingerNovaCat301.i3d (225.79) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/poettingerNovaCat_Pack/poettingerNovaCatX8.i3d (139.09) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/horsch/horschPronto9DC.i3d (497.96) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/vaderstad/vaderstadCarrierXL825.i3d (353.74) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollToolShovel.i3d (208.15) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_M82_Special_Tipper/M82special.i3d (73.51) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSM_ScorpionKing/ponsseScorpion.i3d (606.00) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/flieglDPW150_Tandem.i3d (786.32) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload/grimmeSL8022.i3d (271.22) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/holaras/holarasMES500.i3d (239.41) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB2400.i3d (151.67) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/magsi/wheelLoaderShovel.i3d (154.67) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/manitou/manitouMLT840.i3d (609.92) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/magsi/telehandlerShovel.i3d (94.63) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_ArtMechanic_PT25/ArtMechanic_PT.i3d (37.26) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/jcb/jcb435s.i3d (353.14) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnGA9531.i3d (236.23) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_fuel.i3d (623.45) ms
    Warning: 'C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_fuel.xml' has invalid fillType 'biogas'.
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_joskinBetimaxRDS7500/joskinBetimaxRDS7500.i3d (99.40) ms
    Warning: animal type 'angus' could not be found!
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_MaxWildPack/i3d/MAN.i3d (908.47) ms
    data/vehicles/trailers/newHolland/newHollandBB1290.i3d (170.53) ms
    data/objects/squarebales/baleStraw240.i3d (48.84) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Guellepack/kotte_TSA_Pack/garantFieldContainer.i3d (178.56) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Guellepack/veenhuis_2/premiumIntegral31000_light.i3d (437.71) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerHit1214T.i3d (240.51) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_big.i3d (145.03) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BucherPlatformPack/bucherPlatform.i3d (463.51) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Fendt_by_Hitcher/Fendt1000vario.i3d (497.52) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_itRunner.i3d (341.55) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_itRunnerPack/itRunner/itRunner2633HD.i3d (98.64) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/steyr/steyrMulti.i3d (625.90) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d (11.25) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_tank.i3d (104.26) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_mini.i3d (33.62) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_MaxWildPack/i3d/containerSilage.i3d (124.76) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT8.i3d (626.75) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BucherPlatformPack/bucherPlatformTrailer.i3d (95.17) ms
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Claas_Cargos_700_Pack/Textures/Claas_Cargos_740_Silber.dds'.
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Claas_Cargos_700_Pack/ClaasCargos740.i3d (270.92) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Claas_Axion_950/claas.i3d (788.65) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/agco/agco1100.i3d (223.92) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack/Liebherrc.i3d (543.34) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack/bucket.i3d (48.30) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_small.i3d (38.31) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/fsi/fsiST65T.i3d (141.43) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_SameFortisForestry/sameFortis.i3d (563.28) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/HoT_Palletfork/stollToolPalletFork.i3d (95.09) ms
    data/vehicles/tools/agco/agco1500.i3d (8.53) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_deutzFahrSerie7StageIVPuma/i3d/deutzFahrSeries7Neu.i3d (1044.10) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KramerKL308T/kramer308T.i3d (300.13) ms
    data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIHPumaCVX.i3d (731.46) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Claas_Cargos_700_Pack/ClaasCargos760.i3d (425.04) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/fliegl_MAN_Transporter.i3d (579.73) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/flieglDPW180.i3d (41.53) ms
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (11) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (65) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (20) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (123) : loadObjectChangeFromXML
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (218) : updateObjectChanges
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (50) : applyCustomDesing
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (631)
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1858) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1674) : load
    dataS/scripts/network/Client.lua (389) : readStream
    dataS/scripts/network/ConnectionManager.lua (28) : func
    Index: 0>3|12
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (11) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (65) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (20) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (123) : loadObjectChangeFromXML
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (218) : updateObjectChanges
    =C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/Scripts/AddConfig.lua (50) : applyCustomDesing
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (631)
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1858) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1674) : load
    dataS/scripts/network/Client.lua (389) : readStream
    dataS/scripts/network/ConnectionManager.lua (28) : func
    Index: 0>3|13
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles/vehicles/trailers/horschSeedTender.i3d (185.41) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles/vehicles/steerable/horsch/horschLeebPT350.i3d (758.21) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17Contest_Fendt_1000_SERIES/fendt1000.i3d (807.53) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Fendt_by_Hitcher/weight.i3d (10.22) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Case_Optum_CVX/caseIHOptumCVX.i3d (731.55) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles/vehicles/tools/horschMaestroSW1675.i3d (376.89) ms
    data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglDolly.i3d (183.95) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Guellepack/veenhuis_2/vogelsangSwingMax30.i3d (229.91) ms
    load from Savegame 5
    load from Savegame 8
    load on join 4
    data/maps/trees/maple.i3d (103.63) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/LelyJuno100/LelyJuno100.i3d (70.93) ms
    data/placeables/highPressureWasher/kaercher/kaercherHDS918-4M.i3d (242.11) ms
    data/placeables/poleBarn/poleBarn.i3d (382.00) ms
    data/maps/trees/oak.i3d (88.82) ms
    data/placeables/shelters/storageShelter02.i3d (83.99) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_FarmingTablet/placeableObject/FarmingTabletLoadingStation.i3d (261.26) ms
    data/maps/trees/birch01.i3d (108.56) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BaleStorage_placeable/SquareBaleShed.i3d (93.82) ms
    data/placeables/shacks/shack03.i3d (167.12) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BoardStorage_placeable/boardStorage.i3d (121.86) ms
    dataS2/character/player/player01.i3d (594.90) ms
    data/firstPerson/chainsaws/stihl/stihlMS261.i3d (703.08) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/tierfutterPallet.i3d (1.08) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/carrotPallet.i3d (73.60) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/boardPallet.i3d (40.52) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BoardStorage_placeable/objects/boardPallet.i3d (40.93) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/emptyPallet.i3d (36.08) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/raspberryPallet.i3d (1.50) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/strawberryPallet.i3d (1.53) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/gurkenPallet.i3d (1.60) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/lettucePallet.i3d (19.96) ms
    C:/Users/Oscar van Hees/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Hopfach_v92/maps/Paletten/tomatoPallet.i3d (5.45) ms
    Physics System
    Version: 5.9.5
    Thread(s): 2
    Input System
    Keyboard enabled
    Mouse enabled
    Gamepad/Joystick enabled
    Force Feedback disabled
    Name: Saitek Side Panel Control Deck
    Name: Razer Tartarus V2
    Name: Steering Wheel Controller
    Audio System
    Driver: OpenAL
    Version: 1.1
    Device: Generic Software
    Render System
    Driver: Direct 3D 11
    Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
    Version: (1.6.2018)
    Revision: 162
    Feature level: DirectX 11 ON
    Info: Effective window resolution 1920 x 1080
    Started 4 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
    Hardware Profile
    Level: High (forced)
    View Distance Factor: 1.100000
    Shadow Quality: 1.000000 Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 16
    Shader Quality: 2
    Skip Mipmaps: 0
    LOD Distance Factor: 1.100000
    Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.500000
    Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
    Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
    Max dynamic foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
    Foliage Density: 0.500000
    Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.850000
    Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
    Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 3
    Max. Number of Lights: 512
    Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
    MSAA: 2
    Farming Simulator 17
    Version: b1841
    Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr
    Language: nl
    Time: 2018-07-09 14:08:11
    Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'frontloader'
    Register configuration 'motor'
    Register configuration 'baseColor'
    Register configuration 'wheel'
    Register configuration 'rimColor'
    Register configuration 'design'
    Register configuration 'designColor'
    Register configuration 'vehicleType'
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Load dlc: pdlc_platinumEdition (Version:
    Load mod: buyable_silo (Version: 1.3)
    Load mod: Claas_Cargos_700_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: disableVehicleCameraCollision (Version:
    Load mod: FBM17_deutzFahrSerie7StageIVPuma (Version:
    Load mod: FBM17_honeyBeeSP30DAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_MaxWildPack (Version:
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandCR1090DATMR (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandHeader980CF12DAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandHeader980CF6DAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_newHollandSuperFlex45FTDAT (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FBM17_VogelNoot_1050Vario_XSPro_plus (Version:
    Load mod: FlieglDPW_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17Contest_Fendt_1000_SERIES (Version:
    Load mod: FS17FendtFavorit800V3Final (Version: 3.0)
    Load mod: FS17_allowFillTriggerForTrailer (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_AnimatedObjectDoorFix (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_animatedPTO (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ArtMechanic_PT25 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Assaloni_Tecna30 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BaleStorage_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Biobeltz_SB_300 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BoardStorage_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_BucherPlatformPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Case_Optum_CVX (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_cattleDroverTrailer (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_choppedStrawV22 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ClaasXerion5000V6NeueFinale (Version: 6.0)
    Load mod: FS17_CLAAS_Axion_900 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Claas_Axion_950 (Version: 2.1.0 pl 1)
    Load mod: FS17_Courseplay (Version: 5.03.00005)
    Load mod: FS17_CSZ_set (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_CS_DirectSeedingAddon (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_FollowMe (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_Glance (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DCK_VehicleGroupsSwitcher (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_DeutzTTV7Series (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Deutz_Fahr_9_Series (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FarmingTablet (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FarmingTabletAPP_FactoryExtension (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FS17_FarmingTabletAPP_FarmSiloSystem (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FS17_FarmtechTrailerPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_fendtGT255 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fendt_by_Hitcher (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_flieglRearDeck (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Fliegl_DPW80 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_FordTransit (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule01_CropDestruction (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_GameExtension (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Guellepack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_handbrake (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_itRunnerPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_johnDeere6810 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_joskinBetimaxRDS7500 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_kotteUniversalPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_KramerKL308T (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_LIEBHERR_902_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_lindnerBF450_Pack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_LS540 (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_M82_Kartoffelroder (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_M82_Special_Tipper (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_manureSpreaderPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_mCompanyGraphics (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_metalTechPP20_Autoload (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_MobileMilkingStand (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_moreTrees (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FS17_newHollandT8Fordson (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_oldTankTrailer (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Pallet_fork_UAL (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_Placeable_concrete_silo (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_poettingerUniversalAutoLoader (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_real_clock (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_RM_Seasons (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_SameFortisForestry (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_SaphirPlowStar (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_ShowMeTheMoney (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_slurrySpreaderPack (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_TAM_ShiftableWeight (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_TowBar (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_universalShippingTray (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_WoolStorage_placeable (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_zunhammer18500PE_Universal (Version:
    Load mod: FS17_zunhammerOverloadStation (Version:
    Load mod: FSM_BednarProSeedV13 (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: FSM_HogTooth (Version: 1.0)
    Load mod: FSM_ScorpionKing (Version:
    Load mod: Hopfach_v92 (Version: 9.9.8)
    Load mod: HoT_Balespike (Version:
    Load mod: HoT_Palletfork (Version:
    Load mod: HoT_Seedfertilizer_mC_placeable (Version: 1.2)
    Load mod: LelyJuno100 (Version: 2.5.2)
    Load mod: poettingerNovaCat_Pack (Version: 0.1 BETA)
    Load mod: Suedhemmern_HolmerPack_Small (Version:
    Load mod: ZZZ_BGAextension (Version: 4.00)
    Load mod: ZZZ_driveControl (Version: 4.03)
    Load mod: ZZZ_GPS (Version: 5.01)

    Vielen dank schonmal.
