Needing help with addconfig script

  • Hi I am trying to add the addconfig script v8.8 (not sure if that is the latest) and I have done everything perfectly from looking at other peoples photos and mods and the config appears in the shop but when changing the config nothing happens to the object (sunvisor) on the vehicle I have been trying to figure this out for 3 days now and don't know why its not working if anyone can help that would be very much appreciated I have attached photos with the lines of code that I added for the script highlighted

    many thanks Ethanpasted-from-clipboard.jpgpasted-from-clipboard.jpgpasted-from-clipboard.jpg


  • Hi,

    line 18 in your moddesc shows the vehicleType name "carFillable" (parent is ok)

    This is a default name, which cannot be used if you are adding own specs.

    You have to rename this to whatever... name="myPickUpWithALotOfConfigsWhichNeedsToBeNamedByAVehicleType"

    Then change this name in your xml too.

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