Hallo Zusammen, das neue TestrunnerTool ist online.
Hab es mal über meine Mods laufen lassen. Ich finde es richtig gut.
Nur eines verstehe ich nicht.
Bei meinem 2ten Hofpack wird folgendes gefunden :
ZitatAlles anzeigenuncached material configurations (num: 1)
a used material configuration is not present in the cache and therefore cannot be used on consoles Use a different material combination which is present in the cache
uncached material configuration
the used material configuration inside the mod not present in the shader cache Shader (file: C:/Program Files (x86)/Farming Simulator 2022/data/shaders/buildingShader.xml, hash: 2525700861093e83c0dcf2d5535d9546, variation: none) Material properties used in the mod (properties: DIFFUSEMAP, GLOSSMAP) Modify your material in the mod to match one of the configurations which are available in the cache → Choose only one of the following near configurations!
near configuration in cache (number of properties to be adjusted: 1)
cached properties (properties: DIFFUSEMAP, NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_3C, GLOSSMAP) missing properties in the mod material (properties: NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_3C) → Add the properties to your material
near configuration in cache (number of properties to be adjusted: 1)
cached properties (properties: DIFFUSEMAP, NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_4C, GLOSSMAP) missing properties in the mod material (properties: NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_4C) → Add the properties to your material
near configuration in cache (number of properties to be adjusted: 2)
cached properties (properties: DIFFUSEMAP, NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_3C) missing properties in the mod material (properties: NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_3C) → Add the properties to your material excess properties in the mod material (properties: GLOSSMAP) → Adjust your material so that these properties are not used anymore
Zitatnear configuration in cache (number of properties to be adjusted: 3)
cached properties (properties: ALPHA_TESTING, DIFFUSEMAP, NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_3C, GLOSSMAP, DIFFUSE_HAS_ALPHA) missing properties in the mod material (properties: ALPHA_TESTING, NORMAL_MAP_FORMAT_3C, DIFFUSE_HAS_ALPHA) → Add the properties to your material i3d files using this material configuration (num i3ds: 4)
Ok schon klar. Da braucht man eine Normal oder was auch immer.
ABer nun zu meiner Frage.. bei meinen 15 Objekten im Pack.. Wie finde ich um was es sich genau handelt ?
Bin schon alles einzeln durch gegangen ... 🤷♂️ hab bestimmt 3 Std gesucht.
FInde nichts mehr.
Jemand einen Tip ?
Lg Bernie