Beiträge von DeerePowers

    Good afternoon to all,

    A few hours ago i saw this picture popping up in a whatsapp groupchat, with the question of Anthon (JohnDeere7830) where he could find the plate with the silo in it, i said that i've had seen it a long time ago on Modhoster and we went for a search. 2 hours later we gave up, and now i'm typing this message. :P

    So, would anyone know if this object still is available? Thanks :)

    Hello, ich heiße Sven und ich bin fünfzehn jahre alt. And that's where my German stops, it's only my first year i'm getting this language at school :P So i'm sorry to speak English, but feel free to answer me in German, i will do the necessary things to understand you :pardon:

    1: Exporting the model
    1.1: Make sure that (...)
    1.2: Exporting
    2: Troubleshooting (Q&A)

    1: Exporting the model
    1.1: Make sure that (...)

    - To export a model to .i3d, please make sure you installed the exporter plugin which you can find in the SDK map in the installationmap of your game. Just start the installer, and it will be ready for use.
    - Before you can export the model properly, make sure your file is saved as a .BLEND file.

    1.2: Exporting

    So, with all that said we can start doing the thing. It's not that difficult, but a lot of people found trouble in doing it. Here are the steps;

    1. Once your file is saved as a .blend, you click the giants button, > i3d exporter, in the top-right corner of your screen.

    2. Nothing will happen. Don't wait for a pop-up or something, just place your mouse in the 3D-view window and press "N".
    3. If you done this like it should, you will now see this;

    4. All you have to do, press "export all" while making sure your file will come in the wright folder.
    5. The .i3d file is now saved! you have now successfully exported the file.

    Important to know is that the file is now so called "clean". You can open it in 4.x.x, 5.x.x and 6.x.x. You'll have to decide for which editor (and game) you choose. (4= ls11, 5= ls13 and 6=ls15)
    Keep also in mind that this tutorial is only about the exporting, not the adding and proper installing of textures.

    2: Troubleshooting (Q&A)

    Q: My textures aren't displayed on the model. (In case of having your textures set in blender first)
    A: Open up your file with notepad or notepad ++. Make sure that your filepad (as showed) is correctly. Isn't there are Files section? Then you've done them wrong in blender. :P

        <File fileId="1" filename="//" relativePath="true"/>

    Q: There is a constant kind of gloss on the object. How to remove this?

    A: Especially in ls13 this is annoying. Just fix it by going from this:

    <div class="codeBox container jsCodeViewer" contenteditable="false" data-highlighter="xml" data-filename="">XML-Quellcode: <Materials>Quellcode bearbeiten

    <Material ambientColor="1 1 1" cosPower="50" materialId="4" name="Material" specularColor="1.000000 1.000000 1.000000">
    <Texture fileId="1" />

    to this: (Just make three zeros of it)

        <Material ambientColor="1 1 1" cosPower="50" materialId="4" name="Material" specularColor="0 0 0">
          <Texture fileId="1" />

    Now save the file and reload the editor.

    So, that was the tutorial, in the near future i will make one about correctly installing textures on the model. :)
    If you are left with questions or something is not clear, please post your comment below. I will reply ASAP. :D
