Damit könnte man es evtl. auch machen also hat was damit zu tun würde ich jetzt sagen es hat halt nen Oberbegriff
Beiträge von JD Power
Nein hat nichts mit Energieweide Mod zu tun
Seruvs Leute,
Ich möchte euch heute Mein Groß Projekt ''fast'' vorstellen.
Der Mod wir warscheinlich erst Zum LS17 Kommen (einzelne evtl. schon früher)
Da ich bloß 1 mann betrieb bin.
ich wer auch nicht das projekt sofort vorstellen, ich hab für euch heute schonmal ein Bild Aber ein teil Verpixelt
Das Ganze ist ein Neuer Neuen Wirtschaftszweig was es so noch nicht gab würde ich es nenen, ihr könnt ja mal raden was es sein könnte, falls jemand weis werde ich es dann auch öffentlich klar machen,Nunja jetzt ist es erstmal vorbei mitn Gelaber und nun das Bild
viel spaß beim mitradenMFG
Deutsch ist nicht mein Bestes
hey leute,
da mein modell jetzt fertig ist wollte ich es exportieren das habe ich nach zeiten mal hinbekommen nun hab ich das problem das ich das modell nicht im GE öffnen kann (normalen cube ohne probleme)
nja ich bin mit meinem latein am ende weis jemand vl was ?
hier noch log von maya beim exportieren
Spoiler anzeigen
Export to: C:/Users/max/Desktop/rueckezange.i3d
Info: schaufel:stollBaleFork_vis is marked as static
Info: pCube1|transform20 is marked as static
Warning: pCube1|transform20 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube6 is marked as static
Info: pCube6|transform34 is marked as static
Warning: pCube6|transform34 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube8|transform30 is marked as static
Warning: pCube8|transform30 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube17|transform36 is marked as static
Warning: pCube17|transform36 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube19 is marked as static
Info: pCube19|transform35 is marked as static
Warning: pCube19|transform35 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube20|transform6 is marked as static
Warning: pCube20|transform6 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder5 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder5 is scaled (0.007392341985, 0.003385930156, 0.007392341985) (Help: Run 'FreezeTransformation')
Info: pCylinder5|transform10 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder5|transform10 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube21|transform15 is marked as static
Warning: pCube21|transform15 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder11 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder11|transform2 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder11|transform2 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube23 is marked as static
Warning: pCube23 localRotatePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Warning: pCube23 localScalePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Info: pCube23|transform37 is marked as static
Warning: pCube23|transform37 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube24|transform39 is marked as static
Warning: pCube24|transform39 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Warning: group localRotatePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Warning: group localScalePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Info: pCylinder13 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder13 is scaled (0.007392341985, 0.003385930156, 0.007392341985) (Help: Run 'FreezeTransformation')
Info: pCylinder13|transform9 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder13|transform9 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder14 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder14 is scaled (0.007392341985, 0.003385930156, 0.007392341985) (Help: Run 'FreezeTransformation')
Info: pCylinder14|transform11 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder14|transform11 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder15 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder15 is scaled (0.007392341985, 0.003385930156, 0.007392341985) (Help: Run 'FreezeTransformation')
Info: pCylinder15|transform7 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder15|transform7 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder16 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder16 is scaled (0.007392341985, 0.003385930156, 0.007392341985) (Help: Run 'FreezeTransformation')
Info: pCylinder16|transform8 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder16|transform8 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder17 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder17|transform3 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder17|transform3 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder18 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder18|transform4 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder18|transform4 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder19 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder19|transform5 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder19|transform5 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: hydraulik1 is marked as static
Info: hydraulik2 is marked as static
Info: hydraulik_3 is marked as static
Info: hydraulik_3|polySurface1 is marked as static
Info: hydraulik_3|transform1 is marked as static
Info: hydraulik_4 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder20 is marked as static
Info: pCube31 is marked as static
Info: pCube31|transform23 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder21 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder21|transform19 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder21|transform19 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder22 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder22|transform18 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder22|transform18 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder23 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder23|transform17 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder23|transform17 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder24 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder24|transform16 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder24|transform16 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder25 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder25|transform14 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder25|transform14 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder26 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder26|transform13 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder26|transform13 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder27 is marked as static
Info: pCylinder27|transform12 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder27|transform12 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder28 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder28 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCylinder29 is marked as static
Warning: pCylinder29 localRotatePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Warning: pCylinder29 localScalePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Info: pCube35 is marked as static
Warning: pCube35 localRotatePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Warning: pCube35 localScalePivot not (0,0,0) (Help: Run 'FreezeToPivot')
Info: pCube35|transform38 is marked as static
Warning: pCube35|transform38 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube36 is marked as static
Info: pCube36|transform27 is marked as static
Info: pCube37 is marked as static
Info: pCube37|transform26 is marked as static
Info: pCube38 is marked as static
Info: pCube38|transform24 is marked as static
Info: pCube39 is marked as static
Info: pCube39|transform22 is marked as static
Info: pCube40 is marked as static
Info: pCube40|transform28 is marked as static
Info: pCube41 is marked as static
Info: pCube41|transform21 is marked as static
Info: pCube42 is marked as static
Info: pCube42|transform29 is marked as static
Info: pCube43 is marked as static
Info: pCube43|transform33 is marked as static
Info: pCube44 is marked as static
Info: pCube44|transform32 is marked as static
Info: pCube45|transform31 is marked as static
Warning: pCube45|transform31 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube46 is marked as static
Info: pCube46|transform25 is marked as static
Warning: pCube46|transform25 has no material assigned to it (Help: Add a new material)
Info: pCube47 is marked as static
Info: pCube48 is marked as staticFinished export with 123 errors/warnings
Vom GE Nach öffnen
Spoiler anzeigen
GIANTS Engine Runtime 6.0.2 64bit (Build Date: Jan 26 2016)
Copyright (c) 2008-2015, GIANTS Software GmbH (giants-software.com), All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2015, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: GIANTS Editor 64bit 6.0.5
Main System
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory: 16367 MB
OS: Windows NT 6.2 64-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.4
Thread(s): 2
Sound System
Driver: OpenAL Software
Render System
Driver: OpenGL
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 358.91
Shader Version: 4.50 NVIDIA
max_texture_layers: 16
OpenGL initialization successful
Hardware Profile
Level: High (auto)
View Distance Factor: 1.100000
Shadow Quality: 1.000000
Skip Mipmaps: 0
LOD Distance Factor: 1.100000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.500000
Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.850000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
C:\Users\max\Desktop\MW-Team\Modding\Rueckezange\Rueckezange\rueckezange.i3d (52.85 ms)
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/max/Desktop/bake.png raw format.hab jetzt nicht finden können vl hab ich was überlesen
Wenn du willst schick mir mal das Schild als PN und kuck mir an wo es hängt
Wo hast du es gemacht ? Am Schild oder am claas ? Du musst die topreferenc Punkt warscheinlich auch drehen
Schau dir am besten von einem Gewicht mal an auch xml (glaub da fehlt was aber weis jetzt ausn Stehgreif nicht)
Einfach im GE den attacherjoint suchen und so drehen das der blaue Pfeil zu matschine zeigt und der gelbe nach oben (glaub ich) ansonsten ausbrobieren
Alles gute auch von mir Rico
also ich finde da keine so richtigen scwarze strichem, obwohl ich schon ne brille trage
aber so auf anhieb würde ich sagen das es vom backen kommt du musst am besten den rest vom modell löschen dann mal backen lassen bzw in einem zB. loch werden immer so schwarze striche bleiben ich nen das jetzt mal schatten effekt
Ich hoffe habe das so richtig gesagt, nicht das ich dir da müll rein rede
JD_Power[Max] -
Log.txt in einen Beitrag einfügen
LS 11/13/15 - Was ist zu beachten, wenn ich Mod-Support benötige!
Was ist das den für eine sound Datei ? Wav oder sowas ?
Man darf keine Umlaute nennen Ä,Ö,Ü bei dir steht Tür das musst du im Tuer umbenennen und in der xml auch so schreiben
ja Weil NVIDIA LS nicht erkennt muss man bei diesen programm selber das spiel hinzufügen
aber wie ?
Du musst auf erweitere Optionen und dann nochmal in die Einstellungen gehen dann geht's wieder
Für was soll er den sein ? Und wie viel Geld hast du zu Verfügung,
Ich kann einen Renault kangoo empfehlen haben einige Bauern bei uns und fehlt kaum was
alles gute Kevin
Hilfreich währe auch welche du drin hast und was sonst noch im PC drin ist
jetzt sind ja die fehler weg ? passt doch und jetzt halt die mods testen dein ''Beastpack'' rein und schauen ob dann immer noch ist oder nicht