Firts conversion of this map from FS2013 -> FS2015 and now in FS2017, ready your Big Bud...
You have the next features:
- Pigs.
- Cow.
- Sheeps.
- Train Grain.
- Train Wood.
- 20 sell points.
- 2 farms.
- 89 fields.
- 3 forest.
Changelog v0.8.5.0:
- Changed grass texture.
- Added more trees.
- Added production and use of Compost.
- Added texture for fertilizer, manure and liquidmanure.
- Added SeedMaster2k17.
- Added Biodiesel Production.
- Added deposits for fuel (not biodiesel).
- Points of sale with business hours.
- Changelog v0.8.0.0:
* Release version
Recommended Mods:
- Kotte Universal Pack by Farmer_Andy
- Fliegl Transporter Pack by Ifko[nator]
Vanquish081 -
3. November 2017 um 12:54 -
Modell, Desing, Modified Vehicles, Tested: Vanquish081
Textures: Google, cgtextures.
SeedMaster2k17 - Marhu
Chopped Straw - webalizer
BaleCrusher - Farmer_Andy, Vanquish081
Molkerei - Farmer_Andy, Marhu
SiloKalk - Danny681
Medianera - Germany Community Group / martinbigM500
Puente Tubo - Pisty
Tienda Vehículos - Pisty
Pared Piedra - Pisty
DistanceHills - Mailman (ModsWatend)
medstreet_o, greekHouse - EpicPrydaMods
Blockhaus - möchtegernbauer
High Watchtower - Hawkeye
Das LS-Landtechnik Team!
Edificios - ysup12
ARC - 170 - Jetstorm_477
Inland - Himmi
Fruit Textures - Eribus, LwFarming, brzeziol, ZeFir, Tessmann85, jakub227, mor2000.
Entertainment - J seba
Deljanka - Myjaki (Carretera vieja)
Montantes - TracMax & Inmanuel
Señales - Nick98_1
wasserabnahme2 - Mostwanted
ZuckerfabrikVLS13 - Schwedenkopf
Script Rolltor, fabric beer - Blacky_BPG
fabric cement - Pleasant Valley Mods
Grain Bin Pack - ThompsonM06
wohnblock - admin
Graffitis -, Vanquish081
Pogruzka - Vorota, Alexx79, VAHA
Dekalb SeedCompany - MBJ, Süsswassermatrose (for quarry by vanquish081)
Compost Fabric - Farmer Andy
Script for door opening hours - Desperados93
Huge Mill: container yard: Zippo, Silo: Sim3.09S
RC Circuit: Eva (3dwarehouse)
Olive trees: Rosenthaler_ROS
Housing High Low Poly - GoldFox
Base building for Harinsur - möchtegernbauer
Base building for Polvillo - Pucksta – PMP, Gebäude & Objekte von Giants (LS13+15)
MixFeeder - Bluebaby210 mod-portal
Irish Farm Shed Pack - My-self (Sean6920s)
Washer vehicle - Rosenthaler
DarkerNight script - Bayn
Removehze script - JHML
Train Tunel - Dogface
Root Crop Storage - Dogface
BGA Silo - kingkalle - Team LTW
SiloCover - kingkalle - Team LTW
Digester Pack - Niggels - VertexDezign
Fliegl Biomat - Bärnd (LS-Modcompany)
Power Line - Maca
Wind Turbine 110m - BocieK17
Manhole gulli - Desperados93
WaterPuddle - Kevink98
DirtyTrigger Script - igor29381
If you see your objets in this map but is not in the credits, please send me a private message to include you,
I'm sorry, they are many and they me it happened. Thanks